
Since the foundation of GICON®, the creation of innovations has been an essential core of our corporate philosophy. On the one hand, this relates to our own core business - engineering and consulting - in which we offer unique added value for our customers, for example, through innovative sounding techniques, analysis and evaluation methods as well as special software developed in-house. With our own technology development, we go one step further by bringing innovations for our clients' business fields to the market and thus helping to shape these markets. Our focus in technology development is on renewable energies and the sustainable use of resources. The three most important beacons of the GICON® group so far are the GICON® biogas process, the GICON® SOF (floating offshore foundation) and the GICON® photobioreactor. They are the results of years of research and have been successfully developed to market maturity.
We are the innovation bridge between science and industry!

Prof.* Dr.-Ing. habil. Jochen Großmann
Founder GICON®
T: +49 47878 10